Stunned - ABC 7.30, March 27, 2023

The use of carbon dioxide to stun pigs before slaughter is legal and widespread – but activists believe the industry doesn't want you to know what it looks like. We'll show you footage, never seen before, that reveals the methods used in the production of pork in Australia. None of what you're about to see is illegal, except the actions of those who filmed it. The methods used to capture these images take activism to a new level. The footage will be confronting for some, but we've made a decision that it should be seen because the questions it raises belong to us all. Lauren Day reports.
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Published: Mon 20 Nov 2023 by Farm Transparency Project
Captured/filmed: March 2023
Created: 27 March 2023
ID: e8da1v13rv
Duration: 15m 34s
Licence: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit: Farm Transparency Project. Link not required.
Country: Australia
Location: Diamond Valley Pork, Laverton North, Victoria, Australia )
Australian Food Group Abattoir, Laverton North, Victoria, Australia )
Benalla Abattoir, Benalla, Victoria, Australia )
Company: Australian Food Group
Diamond Valley Pork
Linlock Pty Ltd

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