240 Woodbridge Rd, Menangle NSW 2568, Australia
Address: 240 Woodbridge Rd, Menangle NSW 2568, Australia
LGA/Council: Wollondilly Shire Council
Council website: wollondilly.nsw.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: 02 4677 1100
Summary: DPI EMAI is a scientific experimentation facility located in Menangle, NSW Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2020
Listing ID: 2faec
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A Department of Primary Industries, EMAI (Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute) research and diagnostic testing facility.

Includes a series of different labs including virology and bacteriology

Also includes facilities to hold animals including sheep, chickens, pigs, horses, cattle, rats, hamsters.

Uses animals for some diagnostic tests, specifically for cell culture purposes.

Hamsters are killed to have their lungs taken out and used in cell culture.

Cows are castrated at 6 days of age to use their testes cells for cell culture.

Fertilised chicken eggs are inoculated with virus for some diagnostic tests. The chicks are then killed in the egg and examined for disease.

Fertilised chicken eggs are also used for cell culture. Eggs are cracked open at 12-15 days into incubation, with the chicks still alive. They are killed by cutting their necks with scissors and their livers are removed.

Blood is also collected from some animals by "bleeding" - namely cows and rabbits.

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