During the public hearings for the Victorian inquiry into pig welfare and in the weeks following, the President of the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) Pig Council, David Wright, gave evidence painting a picture of idyllic pig farms filled with contented pigs and hardworking farmers, under threat from vindictive, aggressive activists, determined to paint his industry in a bad light.
We knew there was more to the story. So we decided...
The latest on what we know about the whereabouts of Olivia, the sow who was sexually assaulted by a worker at a Victorian piggery.
The Tasmanian dairy industry is in absolute shambles. On the one hand, there are dairy farmers such as Carpenter lamenting the need to kill on...
A few weeks ago, as a survivor of child sexual abuse I launched a call for reform to the Working With Children Check, designed to...
Being an investigator means seeing thousands of animals every year, most who are weeks, days or hours away from a violent death. While every animal...
When activists with Farm Transparency Project first walked into the Tasmanian Quality Meats slaughterhouse in the dead of night, they had no idea that the...
In October 2007 two elders from a secretive religious sect, the Exclusive Brethren, were granted permanent access to the ministers and backbenchers of the Federal Liberal...
In June 2023 we investigated BMK Foods Slaughterhouse in Murray Bridge, South Australia, and captured footage inside their gas chamber. We met pigs hours before they...
On April 8th 2023, hundreds of animal rights activists took to the streets of Melbourne to mark the five year anniversary of Dominion.
From the 2nd - 7th April, 2023 Farm Transparency Project organised a week of actions to build momentum around our campaign to ban gas chambers, which...
On April 13th 2023 25 activists from Farm Transparency Project shutdown Benalla slaughterhouse for over 7 hours. We chained ourselves inside the gas chamber and race, preventing any...
In early 2023, our investigators captured footage from inside Victoria's three largest pig slaughterhouses, revealing the terrifying final moments of pigs subjected to deadly gas chambers....
The inaugural Behind Closed Doors photography competition and fundraiser was organised by Farm Transparency Project in early 2023 with the aim of raising money for their...
How an industry has exploited false claims of species conservation for the sake of commerce.
On April 1st 2021 we hosted an online event with 4 guest speakers who discussed issues surrounding animal rights and social justice. Here is a list of...
Check out these wonderful vegan, fairtrade and ethical chocolate brands.
Stardust Circus have finally made the decision to quietly retire their captive lions and monkeys from performing.
The exploitation and slaughter of animals in the fashion industry is often over-looked. Let's bust some myths about the fashion industry and what it does...
Marine animals in captivity lead lives of deprivation for years on end. It doesn't have to be this way - we have the power to...
On February 26th 2021, vegan burger company Everything Legendary managed to secure a massive $300,000 investment from Shark Tank's Mark Cubin, in return for 22% of their business.
Here are 6 incredibly inspiring Black vegans changing the lives of animals that you just have to follow!
It's a new year, and there are plenty of ways you can make it one that is kinder to animals.
Turkeys are affectionate, playful and intelligent creatures, here are just some of the many reasons they deserve your consideration this Christmas.
Turkeys value their lives just like humans and the companion animals we share our homes and lives with. There is an abundance of delicious plant-based...
The life of a turkey destine for slaughter is a grim Christmas story indeed. From breeding, to hatching, growing and slaughter, turkeys bred for their...
Animals are capable of being the agents of their own resistance against human exploitation; but what happens after is up to us.
Animals are being let down by the current institutions that are supposed to be in place to protect them. In order to begin moving towards...
How does the RSPCA's approved farming scheme stack up against the five freedoms, a framework even the RSPCA believes to be redundant in meeting the...
By definition, veganism can and should benefit animals, but also humans and the planet. What does this mean for our activism? What does this mean...
An investigation into two additional NSW knackeries revealed the ongoing slaughter of ex-racehorses despite the industry's assurances, with numerous breeders including billionaire Gerry Harvey implicated.
Social media has created an environment supportive of the sharing of disinformation. For the sake of other animals it is imperative that we get it...
The animal industrial complex exerts significant influence over all of our lives. We need to understand how it operates, and search out ways to dismantle...
An industry funded by public monies is obligated to guarantee the lives of horses leaving the industry.
Beneath the glamour and gambling of the horse racing industry exists a dark underbelly of pain and suffering for the very creatures most patrons believe...
One of Australia's richest pastoralists has been charged seven times for clearing protected South Australian vegetation.
It is believed to be one of the worst cases of animal neglect in Australia’s history, with a spokesperson stating, “for some of the...
A common misconception sees many of us believe that the wool industry is one that is harmless to sheep, completely different to the fur and...
The global Black Lives Matter uprisings have thrown ideological divisions within the animal rights movement into stark relief.
Whilst non-human animals should remain at the forefront of the conversation, the ongoing Cedar Meats case highlights the inherently unsafe nature of slaughterhouses as workplaces.
The way we celebrate motherhood is causing harm to humans, non-human animals and the environment.
With a new CEO who views non-human animals as commodities, it has become apparent that RSPCA Tasmania has strayed far from its roots even as...
If all oppression is linked, it means that the fight for animal liberation is utterly intertwined with the dismantling of oppressive constructs and ideology as...
“Be sensible. Be calm. Be kind. Be safe.”
Amidst the tide of policy and workplace changes I am currently experiencing, this is the message currently...
Why were we there? And what has happened in the year since?
As further social restriction measures are implemented across Tasmania in response to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, industries and individuals that rely on the exploitation and slaughter...
As (mostly white) western people have become aware of the likely origins of COVID-19, racism has been spewed over Asian communities worldwide. But claiming that...
Right now the world is dealing with an unprecedented pandemic effecting millions across the globe. In a time of such uncertainty and fear, it is...
The first time I ever walked into an operational slaughterhouse it was like a punch to the soul. The sight of so many beings lined...
Every day, consumers are becoming more aware of the cost of what they wear. Not the price tag, but the impact a garment has – on...
McCarthyism: a mid-20th century political attitude characterised chiefly by opposition to elements held to be subversive and by use of tactics involving personal attacks...
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