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Footage from five more piggeries released by animal protection group

Tue 4 Feb 2025, 7:00am
  • Footage from five more Victorian piggeries has been released by animal protection organisation Farm Transparency Project.
  • The footage was taken by unknown investigators who filmed inside 20 piggeries across the weekend of the 18th & 19th January, before anonymously providing video and photos to Farm Transparency Project.
  • The latest footage to be released shows pigs in filthy conditions, covered in their own waste; high numbers of dead and dying piglets; pigs living in rat infested sheds; and sow stalls, which the Australian pork industry promised to phase out almost 10 years ago. 

Animal protection organisation Farm Transparency has published footage from five more Victorian pig slaughterhouses, bringing the total up to 10 facilities exposed since last week. 

Like footage published last week, the recent videos were filmed during a mass investigation of Victorian piggeries undertaken by anonymous investigators earlier this month. Over two nights, dozens of animal activists filmed inside 20 pig farms, capturing evidence of intense suffering and filthy conditions. 

The latest piggeries to be exposed by the group are Hylehay Piggery in Milloo, Macorna Pastoral Breeder Piggery in Mincha West, Griffiths Farms in McMillans (which shares owners with Macorna Pastoral), Evans Piggery in Sebastian, and Rivalea's Whipstick Piggery in Bagshot North. The footage shows pigs living in their own waste, high numbers of stillborn, dead and dying piglets in farrowing crates - including some who had fallen out of the crate and couldn't reach their mother to feed - and pigs living in rat infested sheds. Investigators also filmed the use of sow stalls at Macorna Pastoral's facility. These narrow stalls are used to confine pregnant sows for days or weeks at a time. Australian Pork Limited publicly promised a complete phase out of these stalls by 2017, but a 2022 investigation by Farm Transparency Project proved that they are still in widespread use. 

Executive Director of Farm Transparency Project, Chris Delforce, says that the Australian pig meat industry is 'entirely irredeemable,' and the government must support farmers to rapidly transition away from a business that is out of sync with Australian values.

"What we see in the footage we've published today is the reality inside every farm that raises pigs for slaughter. These animals, known to have the same level of intelligence as a three-year old child, are crammed together in rat infested sheds, living and sleeping in their own waste or else confined to tiny cages with barely enough room to lie down. Mother pigs spend hours or days surrounded by the bodies of their dead and dying piglets, unable to reach them or even to prevent themselves from crushing their tiny bodies."

"The reality is, the Australian pig farming contributes 0.029% of Australia's total employment in 2023-2024 and only 2% of Victoria's total value of agricultural production. Yet somehow, the Australian pig industry, led by lobby groups such as Australian Pork Limited, have tricked our government into believing that what they do is essential. For over 10 years, the pig industry has been shown to be one of the largest and most horrific causes of animal suffering in Australia. The time for small improvements has long since past. It needs to be shut down, and it needs to be shut down now."

Delforce says that his organisation is currently reviewing the footage from the remaining 10 places and will be releasing footage from each of them in the coming weeks. Farm Transparency Project has reported all 10 facilities published to Agriculture Victoria for suspected breaches of animal welfare laws, which Delforce describes as 'woefully inadequate.'

View the footage and photos: 

Contact for interviews:
Chris Delforce, Executive Director: [email protected]
Harley McDonald-Eckersall, Strategy and Campaigns Director: [email protected]

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