Snowtown Abattoir

4490 Augusta Hwy, Snowtown SA 5520, Australia
Name: Snowtown Abattoir
Address: 4490 Augusta Hwy, Snowtown SA 5520, Australia
LGA/Council: Wakefield Regional Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Snowtown Abattoir is a slaughterhouse located in Snowtown, SA Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: 06a4b
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Snowtown slaughterhouse, located in Snowtown, South Australia, kills goats, sheep and cows/cattle.

Crowded into a small room, goats and sheep are dragged one at a time onto the kill platform, where their throats are brutally cut open without any attempt at stunning.

The sixth slaughterhouse exposed as part of our Shut Down Slaughterhouses campaign.

A previous investigation in 2017 was featured in our 2018 documentary Dominion, and then published separately by Animal Liberation:

  • Goats freezing to death overnight in the outer holding pens
  • Goats picked off in front of each other with a bolt gun in a small, confined room, many screaming in fear
  • Sheep killed while partly or fully conscious
  • Cows shot multiple times with a rifle as they try to escape the knockbox
  • Pigs reluctant to enter the knockbox, stunned and sometimes cut in front of each other, writhing and thrashing violently on the floor as they bleed out, their heads then partly severed before a hook is used to drag them across the room to a bathtub used as a makeshift scalding tank
  • Children working the kill floor, one playing with a hanging pig’s head as a toy

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  • Animal activists vow to break into and expose 30 slaughterhouses over two years to force industry transparency

    Monday 10 Jul 2023

    Animal advocate Chris Delforce has today announced that his organisation, Farm Transparency Project, plans to break into 30 slaughterhouses over the next two years, to capture and expose footage of Australian animal slaughter to the public. Delforce, who earlier this year shared groundbreaking new footage of pigs being gassed to death in Victorian slaughterhouses after hiding in a gas chamber, stated that his organisation has already investigated six slaughterhouses this year, and will be releasing a new investigation this week. Footage from three new Australian slaughterhouses is promised over the next few weeks, with Delforce sharing that Farm Transparency Project has... Read more >

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