Name: MD Foods Australia
Address: 10 Goulburn Rd, Echuca VIC 3564, Australia
LGA/Council: Campaspe Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5481 2200

New footage taken by hidden cameras inside Riverside Meats Abattoir, Echuca VIC, was released by Animals Australia in late 2016, 3 years after the facility was first exposed. Victims of horrific abuse include bobby calves ('waste products' of the dairy industry), goats, sheep, cows and pigs. 

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: 12eb9
Owned by: MD Foods Aus Pty Ltd, ABN: 89 657 211 491 (last known 2024)
Parent company: Dabbagh Enterprises Pty Ltd (last known 2024)
Property Identification Code (PIC): 3ABCG006
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On the banks of the Murray River, MD Foods slaughters thousands of sheep and goats every week in a purpose built killing factory.

Previously known as Riverside Meats, the slaughterhouse was exposed twice by Animals Australia in 2013 and 2016, with footage showing abuse, poor stunning and suffering of sheep, cows, goats and bobby calves. These investigations led to significant media coverage and the slaughterhouse was forced to install CCTV, before opting to shut down in 2018 amid protests from workers.

Three years later they quietly reopened as MD Foods Australia. Three years after that, we visited to see if much had changed.

They may have a new name, but our cameras captured the same violence and abuse towards animals. From the holding pens to the race, sheep and goats were pulled by their ears and horns, pinned by gates, and roughly thrown through the air by workers.

Upon being restrained, improper stunning and mishandling led to many animals escaping onto the kill floor, being painfully stunned multiple times, and even being killed while fully conscious. Some struggled so violently after having their throats cut that they broke free of the shackle line and were left to thrash on the kill floor as the blood of others washed over them.

The recent footage bears a disturbing resemblance to the cruelty uncovered almost 10 years ago by Animals Australia. All of this abuse was done in clear sight of the same CCTV cameras which were installed to prevent cruelty all those years ago. There is no compassion, remorse, or consequences. These animals are abused at every step along the path towards their painful deaths.

Parent company:

Dabbagh Enterprises Pty Ltd
Address: 3-15 Plummer Rd, Laverton North, VIC 3026
Phone: +61 3 8360 5265
E-mail: [email protected] 

Demand action:


Prior investigations

First investigation (2013):

Footage taken by hidden cameras inside Riverside Meats Abattoir, Echuca VIC, was anonymously provided to Animals Australia in early 2013.

The footage depicts young calves being pushed, shocked with electric prods, hit and dragged up a metal ramp to be slaughtered; "waste products" of the dairy industry. Some, too weak to stand, are thrown into the slaughter chute. Over 700000 calves are killed each year at around 5 days old so that their mothers can continue producing milk to be sold to consumers.

Upon receiving the footage, Animals Australia lodged a formal complaint with the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) for breaches of Victorian animal cruelty laws and the illegal use of an electric prod on a calf. A formal complaint was also lodged with PrimeSafe for breaches of the Australian Standards governing welfare at abattoirs; PrimeSafe ordered the practices cease immediately. Investigations have now concluded - incredibly, no charges have been laid. Instead, the abattoir owners and several workers were issued with formal warnings by DPI.

Second investigation (2016):

Exposed a second time by Animals Australia in November 2016: Hidden camera footage showed horrific abuse to bobby calves ('waste products' of the dairy industry), goats, sheep, cows and pigs. 

Campaigns (2)

Take action (1)

  • EMAIL: Help us shut down slaughterhouses

    Across 2023 and 2024, our team documented and filmed conditions at 30 slaughterhouses across fjve states in Australia, the largest investigation into animal slaughter in the countries history. We exposed systemic suffering and abuse in over 10% of Australia's animal slaughter facilities, revealing the reality which is hidden by labels such as 'humane,' and 'high welfare.' Through thousands of hours of footage from hidden cameras, we showed that no animal goes to their death calmly or willingly; there is always pain, there is always fear and there is always suffering.  The mass slaughter of intelligent, sentient animals has no place within our... Act now >

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News (10)

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  • Open letter to Prime Minister, signed by senator and state MPs, calls for independent regulation of animal slaughter

    Thursday 24 Oct 2024

    Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Cassy O’Connor and Abigail Boyd join state MPs to call for independent oversight of Australian slaughterhouses Farm Transparency Project, who wrote the letter, says that the government has failed to appropriately investigate hundreds of cases of alleged animal cruelty. The organisation is accusing the government department of corruption, claiming that their actions have raised doubts about their integrity and suitability to monitor and regulate animal welfare. Read the open letter View photos and footage An open letter, signed by a senator, several state MPs and animal protection organisations, is calling on the Prime Minister's office... Read more >

  • Open letter regarding inadequacy and corruption of abattoir regulator

    Thursday 24 Oct 2024

    Dear Mr Albanese, I am writing on behalf of Farm Transparency Project, a non-profit animal protection organisation focused on raising public awareness about commercial animal farming and slaughter practices through comprehensive investigations into Australian animal use facilities. Over the past decade, our organisation has investigated a number of facilities and practices, catalysing significant animal welfare reforms. In recent years, this has included: Publishing footage of the foothold trapping and killing of native dingoes in Victoria by government contractors, stimulating debate and likely contributing to the Victorian government ending the practice in parts of the state. Investigating the failed phase-out of... Read more >

  • Sheep and goats killed while conscious at ‘notorious’ Echuca slaughterhouse

    Wednesday 14 Aug 2024

    New hidden camera footage has been captured at a Victorian slaughterhouse, which has been previously exposed twice for animal cruelty. The footage, captured this year by Farm Transparency Project, shows sheep and goats being beaten and thrown by workers, as well as having their throats slit while fully conscious. MD Foods (formerly Riverside Meats) reopened in 2021, three years after shutting down. A 2016 investigation revealing significant animal cruelty had led to a mandated installation of CCTV to monitor slaughter. View photos and footage Animal advocacy organisation Farm Transparency Project has released new hidden camera footage, taken during a covert investigation by... Read more >

ABN Lookup

ABN 89 657 211 491 (open lookup)
ABN status Active from 10 February 2022
Entity type Australian Private Company
Goods & Services Tax (GST) Registered from 01 March 2023
Main business location VIC 3026 from 10 February 2022
ABN last updated 13 April 2023
Extracted from ABR 17 February 2025
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