Name: Riverside Meats Abattoir
Address: 10 Goulburn Rd, Echuca VIC 3564, Australia
LGA/Council: Campaspe Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5481 2200

New footage taken by hidden cameras inside Riverside Meats Abattoir, Echuca VIC, was released by Animals Australia in late 2016, 3 years after the facility was first exposed. Victims of horrific abuse include bobby calves ('waste products' of the dairy industry), goats, sheep, cows and pigs. 

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: 12eb9
Property Identification Code (PIC): 3ABCG006
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Exposed again by Animals Australia in November 2016: Hidden camera footage shows horrific abuse to bobby calves ('waste products' of the dairy industry), goats, sheep, cows and pigs. Facility shut down in early 2018, but has since reopened under new ownership.


Footage taken by hidden cameras inside Riverside Meats Abattoir, Echuca VIC, was anonymously provided to Animals Australia in early 2013.

The footage depicts young calves being pushed, shocked with electric prods, hit and dragged up a metal ramp to be slaughtered; "waste products" of the dairy industry. Some, too weak to stand, are thrown into the slaughter chute. Over 700000 calves are killed each year at around 5 days old so that their mothers can continue producing milk to be sold to consumers.

Upon receiving the footage, Animals Australia lodged a formal complaint with the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) for breaches of Victorian animal cruelty laws and the illegal use of an electric prod on a calf. A formal complaint was also lodged with PrimeSafe for breaches of the Australian Standards governing welfare at abattoirs; PrimeSafe ordered the practices cease immediately. Investigations have now concluded - incredibly, no charges have been laid. Instead, the abattoir owners and several workers were issued with formal warnings by DPI.

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