Name: Deni Piggery
Address: 21634 F254+4H Deniliquin NSW, Australia
LGA/Council: Edward River Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5898 3000

Deni Piggery is a small (200 sow) farrow to finish pig farm in Deniliquin NSW, with industry-standard farrowing crates and sow stalls. The pig farm is filthy and cramped. One sow was found with a particularly bad rectal prolapse, another with a bleeding, untreated wound on her leg. In the sow stalls, sows were found lying in a thick build-up of their own faeces and urine.

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2023
Listing ID: 354fa
Owned by: David & Linda Donaldson - Donaldson Farming Pty Ltd
Property Identification Code (PIC): NH200699
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Deni Piggery is a small (200 sow) farrow to finish pig farm in Deniliquin NSW, with industry-standard farrowing crates and sow stalls. The pig farm is filthy and cramped. One sow was found with a particularly bad rectal prolapse, another with a bleeding, untreated wound on her leg. In the sow stalls, sows were found lying in a thick build-up of their own faeces and urine.

Deni Piggery was the fifth to be exposed as part of Aussie Farms' response to the pig industry's self-declared "National Bacon Week" 2014.

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