Name: Dead Horse Gully (DHG) Piggery
Address: Unnamed Road, Young NSW 2594, Australia
LGA/Council: Hilltops Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]

Dead Horse Gully (DHG) Piggery is Blantyre Farms' grower facility, with over a dozen large sheds of pigs aged 2-6 months. Pigs are crammed into overcrowded sheds where they do not see sunlight until they are being trucked off to the Cowra abattoir. Out of boredom, they eat at the stubs of each others' tails, leaving large bleeding wounds.

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2017
Listing ID: 5b1cd
Owned by: Edwina Beveridge (Blantyre Farms)
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Dead Horse Gully (DHG) Piggery is Blantyre Farms' grower facility, with over a dozen large sheds of pigs aged 2-6 months. Blantyre Farms is owned by Edwina Beveridge.

Dead Horse Gully Piggery was exposed by Animal Liberation ACT and NSW in November 2013, and together with Golden Grove Piggery (Blantyre's breeding facility) is one of the largest facilities we've investigated, with 2200 sows and up to 25000 pigs in total on site at any one time (source: ABC).

At DHG, pigs are crammed into overcrowded sheds where they do not see sunlight until they are being trucked off to the Cowra abattoir. Out of boredom, they eat at the stubs of each others' tails, leaving large bleeding wounds. From the nature of the wounds, it appears that little or no effort is made to treat these injuries.

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