MMM Egg Farm

Anketell Road, Anketell WA 6167, Australia
Name: MMM Egg Farm
Address: Anketell Road, Anketell WA 6167, Australia
LGA/Council: Kwinana Town Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: MMM Egg Farm is an chicken egg farm located in Anketell, WA Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2017
Listing ID: f5f9f
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Barn laid - RSPCA approved.

There are more or less 27 000 laying hens at MMM Farm, producing approximately 400 000 dozen eggs per annum. The animal breeds are Hyline Brown, Hisex, and ISA. In 2008, their production performances were relatively good. However we still want to improve this parameter and maintain it at a high level for a long period.

The animals are fed at least 2 times a day, with pellets purchased by poultry farmers' co-op. Water is provided to them daily. Vaccination against the main different diseases is done through the water they drink, according to a vaccination program.

More or less 6000 1-day-old chicks are being reared until the size of 1250 grams, to become the future laying hens. Spent hens (75 weeks old minimum) are sold to a contractor to finish peacefully their days elsewhere.

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