Alec Baldwin Condemns Tyson Foods for Torturing Animals

In this video, Emmy Award-winning actor Alec Baldwin denounces Tyson, the world's largest poultry producer, for fostering a culture of sadistic animal cruelty and neglect at its poultry farms and slaughterhouses. Since July, Mercy For Animals has released three shocking undercover investigations at Tyson poultry facilities exposing horrific animal abuse. Baldwin, a longtime animal advocate and accomplished actor most famous for his role as Jack Donaghy on the popular TV sitcom 30 Rock, is now calling on Tyson to implement meaningful animal welfare standards that would reduce the suffering of the more than 2 billion chickens Tyson kills for meat each year.
Published: Mon 4 Nov 2019 by stephb
Captured/filmed: Not specified
Created: 7 December 2015
ID: ysowdkbfpa
Licence: Unspecified - please contact the uploader for terms of use.
Country: United States
Location: McGinnis Farms, Dagsboro, Delaware, United States