Shut Down Slaughterhouses Campaign Launch (Instagram)

Two years. 30 slaughterhouses.
We’ve already begun…

We just submitted formal complaints and reports against three slaughterhouses that we’ve investigated in the past month. We will be releasing the horrific footage over the next few weeks. Starting this week.

We’ve had enough of the curtain of lies, secrecy and deception that shrouds commercial animal use in Australia. So we’re setting out to tear it down once and for all, and ensure that there is no-one left in this country who can say they don’t know what happens inside Australian farms and slaughterhouses.

Over 2023 and 2024, we will investigate, expose and release new footage from 30 Australian slaughterhouses.

Today, we’ve reported to state authorities three slaughterhouses that we have investigated over the past month, for multiple breaches of animal welfare standards - standards that are already grossly insufficient.

This week, we will release new footage from the first of these, a horrific pig slaughterhouse which gases hundreds of pigs every day inside a carbon dioxide gas chamber, just like the Victorian facilities we’ve already exposed. Over the next few weeks we’ll be releasing footage from the other two facilities.

We filmed this video outside AFG slaughterhouse, the first of the 30 that has shut-down due to our investigation this year.

Categories (old): Not set
Published: Thu 10 Aug 2023 by Anonymous
Captured/filmed: Not specified
Created: 10 July 2023
ID: ob9cfvr8u5
Licence: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit: Farm Transparency Project. Link not required.
Country: Australia
Location: Not specified

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