News & Media: Activists Pledge to Expose an Additional Piggery for Each Night of 'Bacon Week'

Activists Pledge to Expose an Additional Piggery for Each Night of 'Bacon Week'

By Aussie Farms
Mon 23 June 2014, 12:00am

In response to the pork industry’s self-declared “bacon week”, activist group Aussie Farms has announced that they will be exposing cruelty at one additional piggery for each night of the week, starting today.

Extending a campaign that has already brought to light eighteen Australian piggeries over the last two years, Aussie Farms hopes this surge of exposure will lead to a lot of people questioning their support of the industry.

Operations director Chris Delforce said, “If the pork industry wants people to eat more bacon, it’s only fair that those people should know the truth behind how it was produced, from the factory farm right through to the slaughterhouse gas chambers. After we released world-first footage from those gas chambers last month, at Australia’s largest pig slaughterhouse, we’ve received many messages from people who have decided to stop eating pigs.”

“The majority of Australians are compassionate, they’re just not aware of how pigs and other animals are raised and killed, and with the ‘ag-gag’ legislation currently being pushed by farming groups it seems these industries are as desperate as ever to maintain that level of secrecy that they depend upon. Consumers have a right to know what their dollars are supporting, so starting tonight we’ll be exposing five more Australian piggeries as our way of ‘honouring’ bacon week.”aaaa

The footage and photographs will be uploaded each night to